Saturday, October 26, 2024

Hindu Resistance vs First Islamic invasion–Revenge against Md Bin Qasim-Death

History of Bharat is something which is written as if someone from the camps of Islamic Invaders had written it, which only mentions the invasions that were all-time successful and it seems like a piece of cake or a mere walk-over for any invader who was coming from North-West of Bharat. Similarly, the very first proper invasion if called such was done by Md. Bin Qasim. It is shown as if a 17-year-old Military commander sent by Calipha of the Muslim world won over the Hindu king of Sindh and he went back to his kingdom in the Arab world safe and sound and no consequence bore by him. This is the false narrative that has been spooned to Bhartiya people and today it seems like the truth unless we go into details of the events of that time. Because the devil lies in the details all the time.

Leftist-Islamists buddy up to write our history through the lens of foreign invaders’ perspective and not through the Bhartiya lens. Hence, they will always try to make them look superior because it suited the political vote bank of that time in Bharat. But today the time is different, one section of Marxist-Leftist doesn’t hold access to knowledge and facts. Today anyone can search through loads of historical sheets and examine the lies that have been perpetrated by these neo-Islamist cum historians about the history and valor of our Hindu kings against the Islamic barbarism that was emanating from the North-West side of Bharat.

hindu history misrepresented

No mention of many Hindu dynasties and kings who laid their lives and won against these marauders and animals who were motivated by the ideology of Islam. The Shahiya dynasty of Punjab fought Mahmud of Ghazni from the 10th to 12th century, the great Lalitaditya Muktapida of Kashmir was instrumental in halting the Islamic invasion into north and central Bharat in the 8th Century, the Gurjar-Pratihar of central Bharat were dreaded by Arab invaders and finds mention in Arab history as the “King of Jurz” (there is no greater foe of the Mohammedan faith than he), the Jats of Sindh who destroyed Mahmud Ghazni’s retreating army after the latter had plundered the Somnath temple, and the great Mularaja of the Chalukyas who defeated Muhammad Ghori in 1178 CE, the Kakatiyas, Ahoms, Kalinga, Hindu kings of Bengal, the Cholas, the Rashtrakutas and countless such Hindu kingdoms all have been the victims of this selective amnesia and were erased too.

The transfer of power on the 15th of August 1947, from the fair-skinned Gora Sahibs to the indigenous, dark-skinned, Brown Sahibs of the Congress, Leftists, Islamists, and Marxists, the Brown Sahibs masquerading as historians and academicians, completed the job of British historians and missionaries. But in this article, we will try to put our focus only on the invasion of Sindh and the Hindu resistance and revenge against Muhammadans.



Beginning of the Islamic Invasion against Hindus

               The Arab invasion of Sindh started soon after their first two naval expeditions against Thana on the coast of Maharashtra and Broach on the coast of Gujrat had been repulsed in the reign of Caliph Umar (AD 634-644). The expedition against Debal in Sindh met the same fate “The leader of the Arab army, Mughairah, was defeated and killed”. Umar decided to send another army by land against Makran which was at that time a part of the kingdom of Sindh. But he was advised by the governor of Iraq that “He should think no more of Hind”. The next Caliph, Usman (AD 646-656), followed the same advice and refrained from sending any expedition against Sindh, either by land or by sea. The fourth Caliph, Ali (AD 656-661), sent an expedition by land in AD 660. But the leader of this expedition and “those who were with him, saving a few, were slain in the land of Kikan in the year AD 662. Thus the four “pious” Caliphs of Islam died without hearing the news of a victory over “Sindh or Hind”.

Map representation of Political map of around 700 AD

Caliph, Muawiyah (AD 661-680), the fifth one sent as many as six expeditions by land. All of them were repulsed with great slaughter except the last one which succeeded in occupying Makran in AD 680. For the next 28 years, the Arabs did not dare send another army against Sindh. The next expedition was despatched to take Debal in AD 708 which was a part of Sindh. Its two successive commanders, Ubaidullah and Budail, were killed and the Arab army was routed. When Hajjaj, the governor of Iraq, asked the Caliph for permission to send another expedition, the Caliph wrote back: “This affair will be a source of great anxiety and so we must put it off, for every time an army goes, vast numbers of Mussalmans are killed. So, think no more of such a design”. But Hajjaj spent the next four years equipping an army and while sending his son-in-law “Muhammad bin Qasim”, with this army in AD 712 said: “I swear by Allah that I am determined to spend the whole wealth of Iraq, that is in my possession, on this expedition.”

Muhammad Bin Qasim attacked Raja Dahir Sen of Sindh. Several attempts by Qasim were repulsed by Dahir and his valorous brother. Then the Buddhists of Sindh, who were alienated from Dahir, joined hands with Qasim. At Nerun, the Buddhist head of the town, Bhandarkar Samani, not only helped Qasim to cross the Sindhu River but also supplied enough food to meet the needs of an army. Thus, the traitors gave Qasim entry to the Hindu king’s garrison resulting in the defeat of Dahir’s army at the Battle of Aror. Besides the Buddhists, the local ‘Meds’ tribe also supported Qasim and added to his numbers. Dahir’s forces and his sons and brothers fought a fierce battle but were finally defeated because of treachery by the locals. Consequently, Qasim beheaded Dahir and his brother, captured Dahir’s daughters, and forcibly carried them off to Baghdad, to offer the cruel Hajjaj Bin Yusuf, as sex slaves, who has now become the Caliph.

Md Bin Qasim Army near the banks of the Sindhu River.

Qasim, armed with the loot of the riches of Sindh, was able to raise an army of mercenaries and moved eastwards to attack Mewar. The slain Raja Dahir’s one of many sons escaped to Chittor and informed the Bappa Rawal of Chittor, about the fall of Sindh and how women were being abducted as sex slaves. Sex slavery was unheard of in Hindu civic and military life at the time. Bappa was enraged when he learned of the treatment of women by Qasim but also understood the need for a combined Hindu alliance to check the onslaught of these murderers from alien lands.


Islam brought an uncivilized way of life with them

Before the arrival of Islamic invaders, Hindu kings too fought against each other to acquire territory and power. The rules of engagement for the Hindu armies were clearly laid down and none would ever violate those norms. Two armies of Hindu kings would fight each other and the victorious king would take over the defeated kingdom, either appointing the defeated king as a vassal or driving him out of the kingdom. But the citizenry, peasantry, mercantile class, and artisans would never be touched. Everyday life would carry on as usual with the transfer of power only at the monarch’s level. To capture womenfolk of the royal house or even the citizenry was inconceivable in the Hindu ethos.

Women captured in wars are being sold in the Arab slave Market

Islamic zealots brought with them this evil of physically subjugating and violating women of this great Vedic Bhoomi and thus, the greatest living civilization of all times was infected in thought and action by the misogynistic belief system from the lands of Arabia. This culture was mostly popularised by Muhammad himself during his time of wars in Arabia (Muhammad’s Islam teaches sex slavery, hate towards non-Muslims, etc).


Hindu Resistance towards Islamic invaders

Bappa Rawal, leading the Mewar army, struck an alliance with the brave Nagabhatta-1 of the Gurjara-Pratihar dynasty ruling the Malwa region, in today’s Madhya Pradesh. Bappa also allied with Pulakeshraja and Jayabhatta of Gujarat and the joint Rajput forces fought the Arab Muslim invaders in the crucial Battle of Rajasthan. Nagabhatta approached Chalukya king Jai Simha Varman of Southern Bharat who sent his son Pulkesiraja to assist the Hindu formation.

It was Junaid Al Marri who led the Arabs and had been partially successful in southern Gujrat, Malwa, and southern Rajasthan. In CE 738, somewhere around Jodhpur of present-day Marwar, this decisive battle was fought between 5000 to 6000 Hindu troops against 60,000 Arabs. The Arabs were comprehensively routed and Junaid was killed. Thus, the Umayyad Dynasty of Arabia was sent a clear message by the Hindus to stay away from this pious land. After the Arabs were decimated in the battle of Rajasthan they were chased back up to Iran by Bappa. According to Arab historians “Not a place of refuge could be found against the Hindu fury”. Bappa founded the city of Ghazni in Afghanistan, in possession of one Salim. Bappa defeated Salim and captured him, married his daughter. He also put his nephew in charge of the city and thus secured Afghanistan as a Hindu Kingdom for a few centuries to come. He erected checkpoints at regular intervals on his way back from Arabia. These were instrumental in halting further invasions by Islamic armies for the next four hundred years.

Bappa’s campaign had another positive effect on the Hindu kingdoms of Lahore and Peshawar. In CE 761, the Afghans of Kirman and Peshwar, which were originally a Coptic colony of Egypt, crossed the Sindu to travel eastwards and attack the Hindu rulers of Lahore. Within five months of this event, seventy battles were fought with varied outcomes. In the last one, the Rajput Hindu prince of Lahore carried his army to Peshawar and a truce was signed. Thus Bappa sowed the seeds of Hindu resistance to Muslim invasions for his future generations by clearly identifying the alien nature of Islamic invaders vis-à-vis Hinduism and laid down a policy of non-reconciliation with the barbaric values of Islamists, as a norm for his progeny to follow. Bappa Rawal also defeated small Muslim kingdoms west of Sindhu-river and married the daughters of their kings. As many as 130 sons were born to him from these women and after the return of Bappa to Mewar, these sons were identified according to the clans of their mothers. Today, these people are referred to as Naushera Pathans.

What Arabs were able to achieve in a few decades in the Middle East, Persia, Mesopotamia, Surya (Syria), and North Africa, was denied vehemently on our land by the Triple Alliance led by Bappa Rawal. This act of Bappa had huge implications not only for western Bharat, but the entire world, as the advent of militant Islam was halted on the western frontiers of our nation, and the Far East and China were saved by default. We can only imagine the consequence of an Arab victory over the Hindus. Plush with the money and manpower of our great land, Islam would have become unstoppable by any army of the world.


Revenge of Raja Dahir’s Daughters

When barbaric Qasim took the daughters of Dahir to Baghdad, these two princesses came to know about the uncivilized culture that these marauders were practicing, hence they devised a calm-headed clever idea to avenge the death of their father and more importantly to punish Qasim for his indecency towards them. The Chachnama, a 13th CE Persian manuscript written by Hamid bin Abu Bakr Kufi, narrates an incident in which Qasim’s demise is attributed to the daughters of Dahir. The two daughters of Dahir—Surya Devi and Premala Devi, were sent to fill the Caliph, Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf’s harem. The account relates that the girls then tricked the Caliph into believing that Qasim had violated them before sending them over. This subterfuge enraged the Caliph and Qasim was wrapped and stitched in oxen hides, and despatched to Syria. In CE 715, Muhammad Bin Qasim died en route from suffocation. Thus, the Hindu girls secured retribution for their father’s death and informed the Caliph that they had lied to him to punish Qasim. This revelation filled the Caliph’s remorse and rage and eventually, he ordered the sisters to be buried alive in a wall.

That two helpless Hindu girls could use their intelligence to extract an act of revenge for the murder of their father should be a source of inspiration for all Hindu women. Anyone who harms our family and rapes innocent girls should face retribution as per the principle of natural justice. Thousands of miles from home, surrounded by medieval barbarians, scarred by the decimation of their family, how those delicate princesses maintained their mental balance and devised the story to incite Hajjaj against Qasim is something that will fill our hearts with respect and gratitude for those brave girls.

               We call all those historians rapists who hide all these details of the Sindh invasion and simply made Qasim the victor of Sindh as if he lived his life after decimating Hindu armies and Islamists won this very first battle without any consequence. Arab imperialist thugs, who took less than ten years to completely devour Persia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt were not only halted by Bappa Rawal and the likes of him but chased back to the lands of their origin. The conclusive defeat of Arab imperialists, best worded by an Arab historian “Al Baladhuri”: ‘The people of India returned to idolatry with the exception of the inhabitants of Qasbah. A place of refuge to which the Moslems might flee was not to be found, so the Arab governor built on the further side of the lake, where it borders al-Hind, a city which he named Al-Mahfuzah (the protected) establishing it as a place of refuge for them, where they should be secure and making it a capital’

2 thoughts on “Hindu Resistance vs First Islamic invasion–Revenge against Md Bin Qasim-Death

  • Top site ,.. amazaing post ! Just keep the work on !

  • Going to write more concerning this post? I figure you could be witholding some of the unpopular lines of thinking, but I would certainly enjoy hearing them 😀

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