Friday, October 18, 2024

Author: halahal


Timur Lung Invasion-Defeated by Hindus

Timur Lung is eulogized among many people because he has been praised as a warrior of the Muslim world. A person who killed, converted, looted, and raped our motherland cannot be revered in this country. The atrocities he inflicted upon innocent Hindus barring Muslims, were unimaginable. Had it not been for the Mahapanchayat and Hindu Society of Meerut, Sharanpur, Haridwar he wouldn’t have been defeated and more carnage of Hindus would have happened.

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Caste System? || Misinformation/Errors of Understanding/Underpinnings

You may have been receiving all sorts of dirt around the Caste system in India. If you really want to understand the basics of this Social order. You must go through the underpinnings, history, and corruption that it received over the period of time. Indeed it is bad for any progressive society to discriminate against fellow countrymen, just because of their caste, creed, sex, etc. We all are brothers and sisters. We have to make a united Nation and not a broken India.

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Running + 6 Exercise: Enough for You, No Gym require

Running with some bodyweight training is the mother of all Gym workouts. And Grain + Legumes+ Milk is the Father of all the Protein Nutrition (Meat, Whey) in the World. It’s all the marketing strategies that are extracting money out of your pocket in the name of protein and doing nothing. You are only urinating all that whey protein and nothing more. It is your food that you eat to build your muscle and running makes your stamina both mental and physical.

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Saraswati River–A Myth?–or Colonial lie?–or Civilizational Hangover?

Saraswati river was first discovered with a proper scientific approach in the 1970s with the American Satellite “LANDSAT” caught the desecrated path of a river running from Himalaya to the Gujrat via Haryana and Rajasthan. Then ISRO did their own research but could not publish their findings because it was not suited politically in the years of 2000s. Leftist and Marxist historians tried their level best to bury this truth over 70 years, but it has come out wide in the open.

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